The goal of the PlasmaPy Project is to foster the creation of an open source Python ecosystem for plasma research and education. The PlasmaPy package contains core functionality for this software ecosystem, while affiliated packages will contain more specialized functionality.

Install PlasmaPy

PlasmaPy may be installed from the command line using pip:

pip install plasmapy

Note: If you run into difficulty using pip, you may also try using pip3 or python -m pip or python3 -m pip as the command.

If you have a working installation of conda, then you may install PlasmaPy with

conda install -c conda-forge plasmapy

PlasmaPy's online documentation contains more detailed installation instructions. If you are unfamiliar with Python, please check out the Python website for more information.

Learn PlasmaPy

PlasmaPy's documentation describes how to use PlasmaPy and provides several examples.

Get Help

The quickest way to reach PlasmaPy users and developers is through PlasmaPy's Element chat room. PlasmaPy's GitHub Discussions page is an ideal place for longer discussions on more detailed topics.

Contribute and Report Bugs

Making feature requests, reporting bugs, and offering suggestions are some of the most helpful ways to contribute to the ongoing development of PlasmaPy. The documentation discusses how to contribute code and documentation to PlasmaPy and contains a development guide.


Ongoing development of PlasmaPy is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, with many contributions from the broader plasma physics and open source communities. Past development of PlasmaPy has been supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Smithsonian Institution, NASA, and Google Summer of Code.