PlasmaPy Summer School 2024

The PlasmaPy community is hosting its inaugural summer school at Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mar, Pennsylvania, USA (about a 30 minute drive from central Philadelphia). After introducing how to use PlasmaPy, this workshop will help participants learn how to contribute to an open source software project.

This summer school will fall under the PlasmaPy Code of Conduct.


Please click here for the schedule for the PlasmaPy summer school, which is being held from Monday, July 29 to Thursday, August 1.

The summer school will cover the following topics:

The schedule includes small group discussions for people at similar career/educational stages, unconference sessions, and time for pair programming or contributing.



All selected participants will be staying at the Wayne Hotel (139 East Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087), which is about 15 minutes from Bryn Mawr College by car. Accommodations have already been arranged by the College; when you arrive, participants will only need to provide their name and that they are part of Bryn Mawr College's PlasmaPy school. You may also be asked to provide a credit or debit card for incidentals — the travel reimbursement will not include any charges to the room beyond the nightly housing rate and taxes.


Bus transportation has been arranged between the Wayne Hotel and the school location on Bryn Mawr's campus.

A Bryn Mawr bus will leave from the hotel at 8:15 am every morning of the workshop (Mon–Thurs) to take participants to campus and a return bus to the hotel will leave at 6:40pm after dinner.

If you miss the bus and need to take taxi or ride share transportation to the campus/hotel, note that this cannot be reimbursed. Only arrival and departure road transportation (i.e., to/from the airport) can be reimbursed.


There is breakfast available at the Wayne Hotel but there will also be light continental breakfast and coffee provided before the beginning of each day's sessions. Lunches will be at the on-campus dining hall which is buffet style and typically can accommodate all dietary restrictions. Dinners will be provided at Bryn Mawr College's on campus restaurant, Wyndham House. Similarly a selection of menu items will be provided to accommodate dietary restrictions.


The application process is now closed, having had 82 applicants for 25 available spots. Thank you to everyone who applied!

Contact information

If you have questions, please feel free to email


This summer school is being supported by NSF awards 1931388, 1931393, 1931429, and 1931435.